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Release Roundup - April 2023

The headline of April is that we launched the Subnets Alpha on testnet. Alongside that work, the Hiro Wallet added more capabilities around BTC txs, and we introduced transfer updates for the Ordinals API.

Product update
May 4, 2023
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Note: This month, engineers and developers across the Stacks ecosystem contributed to SIP-022 and SIP-023, fixes related to Stacks 2.1 POX-2 contracts. For more information, please read the Stacks forum posts here and here.

Release roundups are organized into four primary themes which we use to track our progress against our quarterly focus areas. Let’s take a closer look at what we shipped in April.

Improve the Developer Onboarding Experience

  • The Hiro documentation team added new resources around subnets. In addition to the new subnets resources, the team has been working on bug fixes and developer experience as we get closer to subnets on mainnet. Subnets are a scaling solution that offer low latency and high throughput, enabling developers to build fast and reliable user experiences on Stacks. For more info on subnets, check out this video
  • We also have new documentation for chainhooks. Chainhooks make the process of reacting to blockchain events (on Stacks or Bitcoin) easier and more reliable with a dedicated open source library that can deal with blockchain forks. For more info on chainhooks, check out this blog

Increase Developer Productivity

  • We are excited to announce that the launch of our new platform was a success! We met our launch goal of delivering a productivity boost to developers by enabling them to go from 0 to 1 in less than 5 minutes. Please share your thoughts here if you have any feedback or developer experience ideas.
  • We migrated the Explorer domain from to 
  • The Clarinet team added a few new features, including the use of realistic block times, which sets the genesis block’s <code-rich-text>burn_block_time<code-rich-text> field to the system’s current time. This also updates the calculation on any given block to reference the genesis block’s time. Developers now can specify filename for test coverage output.
  • The Explorer team added a few updates around subnets this month, including allowing users to add a subnet in their network selector and support for subnets by adapting the blocks timeline
  • The team shipped a number of fixes for Stacks.js this month, including updating CLI url and adding StacksDevnet constructor.

Empower Developers as They Scale

  • The API team shipped a few updates around subnets, including a fix to use the boot address for burnchain-tx signer. Previously, the address associated with the asset transfer being used would cause other queries to view those addresses as having issued nonce-incrementing txs. 

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