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Hiro’s Focus for Q4 2021

We’re in the final mile of our first year as a company. We’ve built and learned more than we could have ever imagined, and we’ve been fortunate enough to have the support of an incredible community of developers. We’re eager to update you all on how we’ll continue delivering value to you this quarter. In the spirit of transparency, we will once again identify what we will not prioritize in this quarter.

Thank you again for coming with us on this journey!

October 29, 2021
Hiro’s Focus for Q4 2021

Accomplishments in Q3

Hiro accomplished the following in Q3, as previously announced as objectives for that quarter:

  • Made it easier to integrate Clarity smart contracts into applications
  • Made Clarinet extensible for contract development with new documentation
  • Added microblocks, Rosetta and token metadata support to the Stacks Blockchain API
  • Provided more resources for hosting your own API instances
  • Supported microblocks in the Hiro Wallet and Stacks Explorer
  • Improved onboarding into Stacks apps with UX enhancements and bug fixes for Hiro Wallet and Connect
  • Tested and streamlined documentation for first-time developers
  • Increased the quality and presentation of our developer communications and content

What We’re Focused On in Q4

As we’ve posted on the Stacks forum, our #1 priority not just at Hiro but across the community is addressing the developer pain caused from network congestion. One of our top priorities as a company is to create top notch developer experiences, and to do that we must first buckle down and remove this major obstacle. 

This is of course an ecosystem-wide effort. For Hiro’s part, we’ll be focused on the following:

  • Increasing the reliability of transactions on Stacks
  • Reducing friction for Hiro Wallet users to get from installation to using Stacks apps, with or without a Ledger device
  • Improve performance and scalability of Stacks Blockchain API
  • Improving our understanding of Hiro product performance using a variety of metrics
  • Working with community and stake-holders to support the network-upgrade outlined in SIP-012
  • Reducing the amount of time it takes to write testing suites for Clarity smart contracts
  • Developing solutions for end-to-end integration tests for Clarity smart contracts
  • Improving the speed at which the Clarity VM is integrated with the Clarity REPL, resulting in increased development velocity on Clarinet and other consumers of the Clarity REPL

What We’re Not Focused On

Achieving the above will take all our time, resources, and energy, which means we won’t be able to help the many community projects that are in need of support. As mentioned in last quarter’s post, we will not be focused on a number of data storage, mobile, and Clarity projects, and if anyone in the community wants to work on these projects, we would welcome and support those efforts however we can. 

Let us know what you think

If you have any questions about these priorities, please join us on Discord and ask in the #dev-general channel!

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