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Orange Is the New Purple: Announcing Hiro’s New Brand Identity

Hiro has a longer history than most Web3 startups—we’re nearly a decade old. In fact, once upon a time, we were called “Blockstack,” and our company developed and launched the Stacks blockchain. But with that launch came decentralization—we no longer controlled this technology we had spent years developing—and that change required a shift in focus—and visual identity.

September 22, 2022
Lead Brand Designer
New Hiro Logo

After the launch of Stacks 2.0 in early 2021, we turned our gaze to what we saw as the next biggest need for this new ecosystem: best-in-class developer tooling. So we changed our name to Hiro, named after the hacker protagonist in Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash, and in the past year and a half, Hiro became the #1 developer tooling company in the Stacks ecosystem.

We receive 250M+ monthly API requests. Our tools have helped developers deploy 7,500 smart contracts on Bitcoin, and dozens of companies continue to launch on Stacks using our suite of products. The Hiro Wallet—a user’s gateway into the Stacks ecosystem—has been downloaded more than 60,000 times.

But there was still something missing—a true voice, an identity of our own. Hiro’s brand needed to incorporate both the growth that the Stacks ecosystem saw in the past year and our own growth as a company. We needed an identity that would better align with our mission—building the complete solution to develop, deploy, and scale apps with fully expressive smart contracts on Bitcoin.

To achieve this goal, we worked alongside studio Porto Rocha to level up Hiro’s identity. The result? A brand system that feels truer to our mission to build the future of Web3 on Bitcoin and that resonates more with developers. A brand that’s bold, confident, and precise—like us.

We’re proud to present to our community our new brand. We’ve got a new logo, new visual language, and new colors that fly the Bitcoin flag. New style. Same /-/iro.

The new Hiro logo
Developer tools that bring Web3 to Bitcoin
The future of Web3 is on Bitcoin
More new brand collateral

Moving forward, you’ll see our new brand identity in email, on social, and on our website. Over the coming weeks, we will continue to roll out our new identity across our website and various channels. Thanks for supporting Hiro so far in our journey. We can’t wait to show you what’s next.

If you like our new look, follow us on Twitter and tell us about it!

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